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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Who Is This Dusty???

So I figured now is a good time to tell everyone a little bit about my soon to be husband, Dusty Brackett. Well he is definitely perfect for me. I couldn't have picked him on my own because he is too perfect for me. God sent him to me. A while back I posted my dream list. I think I should go through that list with Dusty in mind....

1. His other love
  • He must love the Lord with all his heart (CHECK)
  • He must serve the Lord in some way (CHECK- I will tell you about this later)
  • He must be a spiritual leader (DOUBLE CHECK)
  • He must be willing and able to lead me, teach me, and grow with me in Christ (CHECK)

2. Personality

  • Funny, witty (CHECK CHECK)
  • Adventurous (CHECK)
  • Family Oriented (CHECK)
  • Hard-working (CHECK)
  • Enjoys playing games (CHECK)
  • Likes cats and children (CHECK- he can do without cats but doesn't hate them)
  • Likes camping (CHECK)
  • Good with big crowds (CHECK)
  • Deep thinker (DOUBLE CHECK)
  • Emotionally in touch and open (TRIPLE CHECK)
  • Respectful and Chivalrous (CHECK- I have a funny story for this)
  • Committed (CHECK- I have the ring to prove it HAHA)
  • Honest (CHECK)
  • Likes my big family (especially my mom and dad) (CHECK CHECK CHECK)
  • Kind of nerdy (HAHA...UMMM...CHECK!)
  • Likes being outdoors (CHECK)
  • Laid back (someone has to balance the control freak in me) (OH MY WORD! CHECK!!)
  • Educated (CHECK)
  • Do-it-yourself-er (CHECK)

3. Dreams/Goals

  • Wants to live on a farm, or at least in the country with some animals and a garden (hey a girl can dream!) (CHECK)
  • Wants to have a family (CHECK- we have a head start on that one)
  • Dreams of living a (close to) primitive, non-materialistic lifestyle - such as living off the land, and off the grid (CHECK)

4. Physical Traits

  • In good shape for hiking, running, etc. (tree climbing is bonus points) (CHECK CHECK)
  • Good smile (LOVE HIS SMILE)
  • Has loving, soul-searching eyes (CHECK- OUR EYES ARE THE SAME COLOR!!)
  • Can dress GQ for church and rugged outside of church (HAHA...CHECK)
So as you can see he is everything I wanted and so much more!! Dusty works as the assistant director at Crossroads Rescue Mission (www.crossroadsrescuemission.org) in Shelby, NC. He has such an amazing and wonderful job and gets to see men go from crack addicts to preaching and teaching the Word of God. I am so excited to become a part of that! I will go from full time Nanny to full time support of a man in the full time ministry!! How exciting! I will also become a step mother to FOUR children. You heard right. Now before we all get on our high horse about divorce, let's stop and remember that not everyone who is divorced chose divorce. Sometimes it is out of your control. We will only have his children on weekends and certain holidays. They are great kids!! I love them so much and they seem to reciprocate those feelings! Zac is 15, Mackenzie is 12, Levi is 10, and Andrew is 8. If it had been any other man with any other children I probably wouldn't have considered it at all, but I am in love with everyone involved. (=
So here is my funny story about Dusty's chivalry. My mom and I were walking into the store to pick up my wedding dress and I stepped aside and waited for her to open the door. Not because I expected my mom to do that but because I have become so accustomed to waiting in the car to have my door opened and stepping aside for him to open the door for me! It's really quite wonderful!!
I am so happy and I am so sure that this is the will of God for my life! I wanted everyone to know a little bit more about my man so that you could see why I love him so much! (= He's pretty lovable.

"Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another." 1 John 4:11


  1. That is so cool that he meets ALL your list requirements! See what happens when we keep our standards high and pray steadfastly! :)

  2. I'm very happy for you! To have a husband who is in a ministry is a huge blessing!

  3. This was a sweet post, Anna!! I love how your check list checks off!! That's how God works, huh? I had fun talking with you at the Sunday School fellowship last night. I can tell you and Brother Dusty make a good match! :)



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