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Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Wouldn’t Trade it For Anything

We had a great weekend with the kids. A death in the church seemed to renew the love between my husband and I and therefore led to a sort of family revival if you will.

First I would like to say that Mr. Larry Birt was a wonderful Godly man who always had a smile on his face because he loved the Lord. After struggling with many different illnesses and multiple hospitalizations he got to go home to be with his Savior. Although it is very sad to see Mr. Birt (Papa Birt, Paw Paw Birt, etc) go, there is some joy in knowing that he is right now before the Lord his God whom he testified of his whole life.

Dusty picked up the kids from school and got home shortly after I did on Friday. They immediately went outside to play (as they always do at our house). I stayed inside and cooked a yummy dinner of fried chicken, mashed potatoes (with gravy from the chicken), corn, and broccoli. After dinner the boys went outside to play football with Dusty, the neighbor, Matthew, and his friend. Mackenzie and I watched from the sidelines and decided to build a camp fire. We built the fire all by ourselves and the menfolk got us some more wood.  What a sweet time we ended up having at that camp fire. We went around and said what we were thankful for about everyone in our family (the friends had gone home). How sweet it is to watch your children (or step children) cry when they talk about how much they love their daddy and step mom.

I realized yesterday just how good God has been to me. He has given me a great husband and four great children who love me unconditionally. Mackenzie said yesterday, “I love Anna because she took us in. It wouldn’t be easy to love someone else’s kids like she does.” It is easy. I love those kids. I wouldn’t trade my family for anything.

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Zac and his daddy ^                               Me and my hubby ^

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Andrew the youngest ^                           Campfire built by women ^

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Mackenzie my helper ^                   Levi and his daddy ^


Our family (missing Mackenzie, adding my niece Ashtyn) in Virginia for the fall festival


  1. Soooo, how about I cried when I read this! I love you Nena, and again, words canot express how I admire you!

  2. Oh, so sweet! While I was reading this blog post Bella and Abby were looking at the pictures over my shoulder saying "Oh, there's my Kenzie, there's Levi, there's Andrew, there's Zach! It was so cute and very obvious they miss and love them!


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