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Thursday, April 15, 2010

I know, I know, third post today....

"Charity Never Faileth"
by Elspeth Young
{a painting of the Widow at Zarephath}

Okay, I am sorry for posting so stinking much today, but the first two were really little and not really substantial. This one is for real. I thought earlier in the week that I was just having one of those days...by now, I am feeling like it is just one of those weeks. I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong. However, I have honestly had a rough time this week. Some things I simply can't share with everyone because I may hurt someone's feelings (I have no clue who reads this thing...and I pity those of you who have read it this week!). However, I have had some issues with one particular situation in my life this week. It is really bringing me down! Then today my daddy called me to let me know about my taxes. He informed me that the Federal Government owes me a little bit of money and then informed me that I owe the State Government $350! Where in the world can I get that money from??? I felt discouraged all day because of that.

I came home just now from mailing off my taxes and got on my blog to look around since I am wanting to change it up (maybe a 3 column layout??) and I noticed the verse at the top of my blog (from my verse a day gadget). This is what it reads: ""Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Mark 9:24. I tell people every day that I believe. I tell my readers every day that I believe. And I do believe. I believe the Lord is able and willing to do "exceeding abundantly". So I realized today that it's not my belief that is causing me to feel discouraged today. It is my unbelief. "And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief." Matthew 13:58. I want the Lord to do many mighty works here, don't you? Lord, help thou mine unbelief today.


  1. Hi Anna Marie,
    Great posts today...I loved all 3!!! I will pray for you....God will calm and I know you will trust in him. Your sister is so sweet to post such kind words about you. She is such a cutie with that baby belly. Your momma must be very excited...a grandbaby and a wedding all in May! :) I'm sure you are counting your days to wedding/Colorado Springs (I love love love the flowers there!) Have a great Friday!!

  2. I have had those weeks before. Hang in there and know I'm praying for you and I love you.

  3. Philippians 4:19&20 "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

    Love you and praying for your needs.



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