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Friday, April 30, 2010

A Week of Happenings

This has been a BUSY week! I have been at the Jubilee every night except for Tuesday {wedding dress fixing day}. It has been a blowout service every night. I think the preacher said they have run close to 400 every night! That is a blessing! We have heard great preaching and great singing and it has been the most fun. I honestly feel bad for people who don't experience the "tent revival" atmosphere because it is my absolute favorite thing in the world. There is still a chance to get in on the fun! Tonight at 7 pm (concessions start at 5:30) we are having the last service of the week. It's on Highway 18 in Shelby (going out towards Blacksburg). You can't miss the two huge tents. (=
Also on Wednesday morning I found out that my dear sister Melanie was in labor. By 2:15 that afternoon we had a new family member, Rebekah Dawn. She is beautiful and perfect and absolutely my favorite Olstad baby! We are so glad to finally meet her. I'll get a picture up soon. I just wanted to update everyone on where I have been. (= The Lord's been good to me this week. I'm thankful for the new life I have in Him! What better place to be on a Friday night than under a tent with godly people, praising the Lord. Have a good Friday. I will try to get a good post out this weekend. No promises. My life is CRAZY!! LOL!


  1. OH! And congratulations on the new little family member. That's exciting. :)


  2. We were there Tuesday and Thursday. I looked for you last night....didn't see ya....and we have the mother daughter banquet tonight. I'll be praying for a great service tonight!!

    Love ya,

  3. hey!!

    Our parental blocker blocks you wedding counter thing, how long til the wedding?

    congrats on the new family member!!


  4. Thanks!! I understand about not posting much, but I can't wait for wedding pictures!!!



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