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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Showers and such..

Upon request from one of my beloved readers I will share with you all some things I got this weekend at my showers. The one on Friday night was an adult ladies only shower so I will let that speak for itself ;)
On Saturday I got....
(I am only going to name a few of the big things because this post would be so long if I named it all!)
*My Crockpot {which I used for the first time Sunday}
*My hand mixer {which I tested out and it is amazing!}

*Some of my Wilton baking things {including a muffin tin, cookie sheet, and cake pans} as well as my stackable cooling racks
*My no slip grip mixing bowls {5 qt and 3 qt}
*My silverware!!! {I picked out the most plain design they had and I wanted it to be not very shiny}

*My toaster...no picture needed
*My tupperware
*My utensil trays {bamboo- one is for silverware and one for utensils- the latter is pictured below}
*And lastly, my mom got me a luggage set. It is kind of a tradition. I love it!!
That's all for now. I got lots of other things, but these were just a few of the big ticket items I got. (= I can't wait to move them into my HOUSE!


  1. What a wonderful weekend you had getting "showered" with love and gifts. How fun and exciting for you! Your gifts are so awesome and I know you will treasure them. Did you get your house? How far are you moving from where you live now?

  2. Hi Anna Marie! :D I just wanted to thank you for stopping by our blog! ;) What special gifts! I love kitchen things...I think bridal showers might be more fun than planning the wedding sometimes. ;) HeHe! You received some very nice things! :D I am a big fan of Wilton stuff...I even have those cooling trays! :D Love them! :D They are the best! ;) I hope you have fun baking and cooking in your new home. :)

    I pray that you and your soon-to-be hubby will have a blessed marriage...and that all goes smoothly on your wedding day my dear. :) Congratulations to you both! :D

    God Bless!
    ~Miss Rachel~

  3. How fun!! I have never seen those bowls like that, but they look nice!


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