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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How to Have Abundant Life

This is not anything mind blowing or philosophical. I am just sharing some things that I have learned either from experience or observation. I believe the Lord wants us to enjoy this fleeting life on earth, and I believe He wants us to do it in a way that glorifies Him. (=

1. Sell out to the Lord's will for your life - there is no peace that surpasses the peace of knowing that you are in the Lord's perfect will

2. Read your Bible - I have neglected my Bible reading before {and I probably will again} and I can tell you it will hurt your walk.

3. Pray - this is an area that I am definitely working on. But when I'm not praying, I'm not happy. My pastor always says that you can't talk to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings very long and stay mad or upset or down. He is right!

4. Sing - who has ever suffered from singing?? {if people suffer from your singing, remind them that the Bible says make a "joyful noise" not a beautiful noise unto the Lord}

5. Tell people about the Lord - trust me, I know this can be a little difficult. But think about the joy that the Lord has put in your life...don't you want others to share that joy?

6. Dance - that's right, I said it, DANCE. Dance for the Lord {you don't have to do it in public!} 2 Samuel 6:14 "And David danced before the Lord with all his might". Also, dance with your spouse. How romantic to share that with your husband or wife (= {can't wait!}

7. Eat yummy foods - Now, I am not going to promote eating in a way that truly hurts your health. But just yesterday I heard a woman say she never eats salt or sugar and that has helped her look younger. You only have about 65-80 years as an adult to enjoy eating the delicious foods that are available to you. So eat them!

8. Get a little exercise - Tessa, don't call me a hypocrite!!! Even if you just do a few jumping jacks, it makes you feel good (=

9. Snuggle - your kids, your mom, your sister, your brother, your wife, your husband, your best friend. It doesn't matter. Just snuggle. It is a wonderful thing!

10. Love unselfishly - this is a hard one for us humans. We are selfish by nature. But when you say to yourself "My {husband, wife, etc.}'s needs are more important to me than my own" and you act on that, it is so rewarding. I love to feel like I am doing something for someone else!

These are just a few of the many things I thought of...feel free to leave your ideas in a comment! I truly love comments! And I love followers...but then again who doesn't? (=

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have
it more abundantly." John 10:10

1 comment:

  1. Foods I like include oreos (double stuff) and potato chips (plain) and milk. So I will eat them and be happy. and I love you btw!!


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