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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

When I Feel Discouraged....

Everyone has bad days right?? Right! Tonight my pastor preached on encouragement and I needed it. After being out of town for 5 days, I came home to the shock of what all needs to be done before my big day! It was a bit overwhelming. I have to admit I let it get the best of me. I got discouraged, then defeated, then just downright disgruntled. So you might ask....what should I do when I get in this state??
Well, here is what I learned in church tonight: I can be encouraged simply by reflecting on how good the Lord has been to me in the past. He will do it again! Praise the Lord!
So when you feel a pity party coming on (let's admit that we all have them sometimes) just "roll back the curtains of memories now and then...show me where HE's brought me from and where I could have been"

"I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4


  1. God is good all the time.
    Take a bubble bath~it helps me every time!

  2. You are to funny!~
    I never have been told that before~the intern position!
    If you ever get to Missouri we can have tea!
    You are a dear~how are the wedding plans coming?


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